Joshua Rusinov Designs

The New Middle Age Fashion Show

The Project:

  • Design all elements of a fashion show of your chosing, given only a space configuration, including:

    • Deciding on a type of fashion to base the show around

    • Creating a set of 3 renderings showing all the scenery and lighting in the show

    • Creating a complete light plot to achieve the elements present in the renderings

About My Design:

I took this project particularly to heart. The blank slate them of this assignment was particularly to my liking. To start; I chose a fashion type that was unique and conductive to my passions and creative ideas. I determined that medieval fashion (while not the most common in reality) would allow me to explore my skills in design to the highest degree. I completed a detailed and thematic research packet to go along with the theme of the project.

After creating my research packet, I used photoshop to create a set of 5 renderings to properly explore the design choices that were inspired by the research. The scenery I created in the rendering made use of my knowledge of entertainment automation, lighting practicals, and creative scenic-lighting integration.

Once the renderings were complete, I set about creating a set of lighting drawings that would best replicate the enviroment I created in the renderings. This included the light plot packet, as well as a set of Magic Sheets that detailed the use of the lighting equipment in each “scene” of the fashion show.


*Non-Realized ProjecT*


Click For Research Packet PDF


Click For Rendering Packet PDF

Click For Rendering Packet PDF

Click For Rendering Packet PDF


Click For Light Plot PDF


Click For Magic Sheet PDF
