Joshua Rusinov Designs


About my Design:

Against the flat, bleak landscape of the Fen-lands, men and women are cramped into bitterness by grinding labor and economic oppression. Fen is composed of brief, fiercely resonant scenes, carving with powerful humanity the desolate lives of the village’s men and women.First performed in 1983 at the University of Essex Theatre, Fen is a flinty, eerie play, haunted by the ghosts of starving field workers and claustrophobic in its condemnation of agrarian and social exploitation.

Fen is a play that pits humanity against the desolate landscape. In my design of this show; I create a juxtaposition between the hopelessness of the fen (marsh for farming potatoes) and the powerful emotions expressed in the character’s private lives. I show the difference between the meaningless existence of a person subject to the exploitation present in this show and the life we find in the things we care about. As well as the subject of “life”, its bounds, and the freedom that can be found elsewhere.


Production Credits:

  • Director: Christopher McCann

  • Lighting Designer: Joshua Eric Rusinov

  • Scenic Designer: Ryan Dziedziech (

  • Costume Designer: Tessa Pilon

  • Sound Designer: Keaton Kominsky

  • Technical Director: Colin Nickel

  • Production Stage Manager: Kori Broadnax

  • Venue: C.M.F.T. Performance Theater, Purchase. NY

  • Year: 2019

Unique Challenges/Elements:

  • This production of Fen was done in a 35’ by 50’ by 20’ black box.

  • This theater contains a complete wire-rope tension grid

  • The main scenic element was a large stage deck made of real dirt that needed to be sprayed with water and alcohol nightly

    • This created challenges with:

      • Units or Equipment installed in and around the dirt

      • Power management and planning

      • The focusing of units above the stage

  • The other large scenic elements were 2 large mirror walls on SL & SR, this created a lot of room for experimentation with light reflection

Light Plot/Drafting Packet:

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fen photo by zoë markwalter-9610.jpg
Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

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Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

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Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

FEN CMFT 11-2019 OM-2.jpg
Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

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Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter

Photo Credit: Zoe Markwalter
