Joshua Rusinov Designs

What to Send up When it Goes Down


About My Design:

What to Send Up When It Goes Down puts our society on trial. A trial that questions what we value and how we treat those around us, specifically, people of color. This show highlights the absurdity of anti-blackness in our society.

Through my design, I highlight the use of “empty” space to keep black people oppressed and isolated. I create a metaphor in using the total blackness of the silhouettes against the brightness of the background to expose the way we judge and isolate blackness in our society against a white background.

"As lines between characters and actors--as well as observers and observed--blur, a dizzying series of vignettes builds to a climactic moment in which performance and reality collide, highlighting the absurdity of anti-Blackness in our society. Through facilitation and dialogue we must decide how to cope, resist, and move forward."


Production Credits:

  • Director: Elizabeth Van-Dyke

  • Lighting Designer: Joshua Rusinov

  • Scenic Designer: Ryan Dziedziech (

  • Sound Designer: Victoria Corbalis

  • Technical Director: Kyle McMahon

  • Production Stage Manager: Sarah Joseph

  • Venue:C.M.F.T. Performance Theater, Purchase. NY

  • Year: 2020

  • Photo Credits:

    • Tyler Thompson

Unique Challenges/Elements:

  • This production of What to Send Up When it Goes Down was done in a 35’ by 50’ by 20’ black box.

  • This theater contains a complete wire-rope tension grid

  • Done in 3/4 thrust configuration

  • The theater was divided into 2 sections

    • The primary playing space

    • The entrance gallery/exhibition space

  • The show contained a custom size CYC with no nearby lighting positions

Light Plot/Drafting Packet:
